Tuesday, 17 April 2012

The Stars Steam Up the Stage on 'Dancing'

The Stars Steam Up the Stage on 'Dancing'
<a href='http://tv.msn.com/last-night-on-tv/?videoid=e0e82912-1081-9a24-0a80-b23c7a177558&src=v5:embed::' target='_new' title='Tuesday, April 17: Maria and Derek lock lips on &#39;DWTS&#39;' >Video: Tuesday, April 17: Maria and Derek lock lips on &#39;DWTS&#39;</a>

The Stars Steam Up the Stage on 'Dancing', tuesday, april 17: maria and derek lock lips on 'dwts', Video: Derek took off his shirt & kissed Maria for Latin Night on 'Dancing.' Plus, the coaches made the cuts on 'The Voice' & more on 'LNOTV.' We recap "Dancing With the Stars," "The Voice," "How I Met Your Mother," and "House."